I'm so here for this content, my adhd loved the variety of topics you guys covered. It would be very interesting to have an episode covering the political lesbianism comeback or expand on the take of more women being open to engage on the #wlw experience.
It's a Beautiful Thing that you've incorporated Audio to your content. It helps the reader, listen, as well as read, you message. Thank You, and will reStack ASAP 💯👍
I'm so here for this content, my adhd loved the variety of topics you guys covered. It would be very interesting to have an episode covering the political lesbianism comeback or expand on the take of more women being open to engage on the #wlw experience.
Omg glad to hear it, my ADHD can't have it any other way! And yes noted—feel free to let me know if any dream guests come to mind for the topic :)
thanks for the shoutout friends!!!! this was such a rich discussion, gonna think about embodying sexiness vs branding sexiness for like the next month
It's a Beautiful Thing that you've incorporated Audio to your content. It helps the reader, listen, as well as read, you message. Thank You, and will reStack ASAP 💯👍
Where's the full video ep?